At Numex Chemical Element, the organization is constantly updating its processes by opting for the best available technology that is environmentally sustainable and safe to operate. The aim is to have processes that have no negative impact on employees and society. The success of the company depends on the implementation and follow-up of efficient manufacturing processes using minimum energy and raw materials. All effluent produced at the plant shall be treated on-site in order to comply with all the standards set by the regulatory authorities.

We have highly sophisticated facilities for the distillation and purification of different types of solvents. We give the most wide collection of solvents from HPLC to Digital to Dry solvents. We use over 7000 liters of state-of – the-art SS / GLR distillation reactors for high-purity solvents.
Our storage capacity is over 300,000 liters with our existing capacity, and we can increase our production and packaging capacity to meet the needs of our customers worldwide.